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University of Connecticut Library Map and Geographic Information Center

MAGIC File Naming Conventions

File Name Format

  • BLOCK 1: Theme Type Code [variable length but usually 4 characters]
  • BLOCK 2: Primary Geography Code (Library of Congress) [variable length but usually 5 digits]
  • BLOCK 3A: Location Identifier (FIPS, USGS, or other local designation) [variable length]
  • BLOCK 3B: SubLocation Identifier (local designation) [variable length]
  • BLOCK 4: Year [4 digits]
  • BLOCK 5: Scale (in thousands; svar/s00 = varies or unknown)[3-4 digits]
  • BLOCK 6: Cutter (name of producer: from "map cutter")[variable length]
  • BLOCK 7: Series (unique number for data items matching in all of other identifiers)[4 digits]
  • BLOCK 8: Format Code [variable length but usually 1 character]


    The coverage is geographically identified by the primary geography of the coverage set FIRST.
    Then Location Identification codes will consist of a 4-digit 'primary' location identifier and then an unrestricted length sub-location identifier. Some examples will help.
    37811.0001 [Connecticut USGS 7.5 Quad][Bashbish Falls]
    37811.0002 [Connecticut USGS 7.5 Quad][Ashley Falls]
    37811.1408 [Connecticut USGS 7.5 Quad][Lloyd Harbor]
    37810.0001-NE [Connecticut USGS 3.75 Quarter Quad][Bashbish Falls Northeast Corner]
    37810.0001-SE [Connecticut USGS 3.75 Quarter Quad][Bashbish Falls Southeast Corner]
    37810.0001-SW [Connecticut USGS 3.75 Quarter Quad][Bashbish Falls Southwest Corner]
    37810.0001-NW [Connecticut USGS 3.75 Quarter Quad][Bashbish Falls Northwest Corner]
    37814.9894 [Hartford Metropolitan Water District MDC9894 West Hartford]
    37814.9894-08 [Hartford Metropolitan Water District MDC9894 West Hartford][SubUnit 08]
    37814.9894-09 [Hartford Metropolitan Water District MDC9894 West Hartford][SubUnit 09]
    37836.0001 [Guilty until proven innocent Judicial District]
    37836.0001-HJ [Guilty until proven innocent Judicial District][Hang'n Judge's Courtroom]
    Hydrography, Connecticut, Mathematical Geography, USGS 7.5 Minute Quadrangles, #0014, 1994, Scale 1:250,000, USGS, 1st or only in series, Mapinfo MIF/MID Format.
    Soils, Connecticut, Mathematical Geography, USGS 7.5 Minute Quadrangles, Spring Hill (0043), 1995, Scale 1:24,000, USGS, 1st or only in series, ESRI ArcInfo E00 Format.
    Soils, Connecticut, Minor Administrative Geography, Towns and Townships, Andover (001), 1995, Scale 1:100,000, Conn. DEP, 1st or only in series, ESRI ArcInfo E00 Format.
    Historical Digital Image, Northeast Atlantic Region, Physical Geography, Sounds or Bays or Tidal Marshes, Block Island Sound, 1845, Unknown Scale, Unknown producer, 1st or only in series, MrSID Image Format

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Storrs, CT 06269

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